Saturday, July 09, 2016


Give this to me and I might reconsider getting a dog!

(Photo from The Verge)

I saw this guy last week as I am scrolling through my YouTube Subscriptions and at first I am not convinced about the effectiveness of this product but forty five seconds later of CNET's video my jaw just dropped and my eyes literally popped. I didn't finished the vid, I flew straight into the search box finding myself looking for this majestic robot's official video, and there I was, late at night, wanting a toy like I am a 10-year-old kid again.  It's like a dream come true. It reminded me of Jimmy Neutron's dog, Goddard, and how badly I wanted something like that back when I was a kid. Unfortunately, it does not fly or self-destructs and then builds itself back up like Goddard but it boasts very unique features and abilities like play with you, detect your face and most importantly, it can show emotions, just like a normal genuine person, I mean how cool can that be? 

It's the start of a new era of "pets" and "robots". For sure, in the near future, we would actually see robots like this roaming around our streets playing with the kids or chasing down burglars with the police. But for now, I am thankful that we'll get a chance to see the glimpse of that future with Anki's Cozmo.

To learn more about Cozmo, click here.
For Cozmo BTS video, click here.

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Friday, July 08, 2016

iOS 10 Public Beta - OUT NOW!

Oh yes, you can now download the pre-release version of the newest mobile operating system from Apple and have fun with it.

 (Photo from Apple Inc.)

Today, Apple released iOS 10 public beta which means you can explore and play with the OS before everyone else could get their hands on it later this year. Keep in mind that this is still in beta so it comes with a few reminders: a) This is not a consumer version of the operating system, the final version will be released on September with the new iPhone 7; and  b) It's free to download but you must be an Apple Public Beta Tester.

The 1.7GB file holds many iOS 10 features from UI redesigns to under the hood improvements. These are the few highlights of this new release:

  • Improved Maps
  • Enhanced Photos app, now with Memories
  • Redesigned Apple Music app
  • A new automated home integration app called Home
  • New 3D Touch functionalities
  • Raise to Wake and Rich Notifications
  • Feature-packed Messages app
  • Overall Security advancements

To learn more about iOS 10, simply visit Apple's website.

If you are really eager to try out the new software just head on to Apple Public Beta Program's website and register for free, but remember to proceed with caution. If any problem or error occurs Apple and RPT&G will not be liable for that.

On the other hand, MacOS Sierra is now also available for Apple Public Beta Testers.

To get the latest from everything Apple and more, Subscribe to RPT&G Newsletters!

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Pokemon GO - OUT NOW!

(Photo from The Pokemon Company)

Oh yes, Pokemon GO is now live! 

If you don't already know I am a huge Pokemon and Nintendo Fan. I first met Pikachu on our TV when I was young and played my very first Pokemon RPG (it was the LeafGreen Version, honestly, it was not mine... I just borrowed it from my cousin) at third grade and ever since then I know I will love them forever. 

Now, 20 years after its debut, The Pokemon Company released a brand new game for iOS and Android. The thing that makes this game very special other than the fact that it is for the celebration of the twentieth-year of Pokemon is that, instead of creating a fictional dimension inspired from real world locations, The Pokemon Company decided to let the players play on the real world.

Pokemon GO will use the phone's capabilities like the camera and GPS to display the first 151 Pokemon from the first generation that trainers can catch and collect. The app will also feature in-app purchases to furthermore enhance the player's experience. Lastly, there will also be a band called the "Pokemon GO Plus" that will sync with your smartphone through Bluetooth. It will alert you whenever you come across a wild Pokemon and allow you to catch it so you won't have to pick up your phone all the time. 

Pokemon GO is not yet available to all countries at the time of this post's publishing. To be updated on more Pokemon GO and Pokemon news subscribe to RPT&G Newsletters.